3D Foundation

I have always been a girl into makeup but NEVER really knew how to apply it. For years, I just stuck to the makeup basics by layering my makeup. I'd apply one colour foundation all over my face, adding blush and bronzer and mascara. The odd time I would add eyeshadow if it was an special occasion. In January 2020, I kept seeing a friend post and rave about this makeup company that little did I know, would become a second income for my family.

Whether you are a super busy mama with no time for herself to get ready in the morning, a busy women on-the-go, or a retired women who still loves to doll herself up, you will absolutely love that you can achieve a stunning natural makeup look in only 5-10 minutes with just one compact.

Looking or thinking about changing your makeup game?! Read on!

Why Will You Love This Makeup

What sets your brand apart? Do you have a one-of-a-kind personal story or brand history? Talk about it here.

What Is 3D Foundation?

Click on the imagine to see Cara Brook the Founder of SEINT explain what 3D Foundation is.

How Do I Apply The Makeup

Click on the imagine to see Cara Brook the founder of SEINT explain and demonstrate the HAC.

How Long Do The Tins Last

On average, highlight foundation tins last 2-4months. Contour tins last 3-6 months,

lip + cheek tins typically last 6-12 months, and illuminators last 9-12 months. You will really only need to replace things when you need them, this saving you time, space and money!

The days of buying a whole Naked eyeshadow palette to only use 2-4 shades out of the 10 are OVER! With SEINT Beauty, you can now purchase and replace only the shades that you truly want and use!

How Do I Know What Foundation Shade I Should Get?

I can help you! I have colour matched many ladies virtually, and I'd be happy to recommend colours that would suit your skin ton as well.

Click the link HERE for your free custom colour match!

Where Can I Buy The Makeup?

Click HERE for my shopping link.

Scroll the makeup and skin care in your comfiest clothes, when you’re happy you simply check out using the same link!


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You can reach me by emailing me at busymamabeauties@gmail.com

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